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Our favorite media on sustainable fashion & actions!

As sustainability grows in the media sphere, we aim to keep up with fresh news on the whereabouts of sustainable fashion and actions in creative industries.

As the term "sustainable" is surely overused, let us first define its meaning. According to McGill University, "sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources. Sustainability is not just environmentalism. Embedded in most definitions of sustainability we also find concerns for social equity and economic development."

Moreover, sustainability is "the idea that goods and services should be produced in ways that do not use resources that cannot be replaced and that do not damage the environment" according to Cambridge Business Dictionary.

Nowadays, media need to reach sustainability-minded customers through innovative communication. "Not only are consumers looking to brands to help them achieve their own sustainability goals, they also intend to hold brands accountable for making the world a better place", states Ella Barnett in her article. Information is key to consumers, sensitive to sustainability, hence the important role of media, but also of transparency from brands.

The Good Goods

Covering subjects from society as 'How series shape our fashion consumption' to fashion advice as 'How to mix both ethical fashion and second hand clothing', The Good Goods is among the best French sustainable fashion magazines. Both a practical guide with at-home tips and a philosophical look on our society, the magazine manages to enlighten us with pragmatic information as well as inspiring brand selections. Faithfully to its core values, the online magazine also writes about how to reuse, repair or upcycle your clothing items to give them a longer life or a second life. Fashion and beauty are the two main focuses. Their content also extends to labels. Although it is important to remember that while it is important to understand their meaning, not all brands can respond to a specific label.

Fashion Revolution

While Fashion Revolution isn't a magazine, we couldn't omit them from our list! Indeed, the world's largest fashion activism movement takes action to raise awareness since the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013. Sharing their vision of a better fashion industry, the Manifesto for a Fashion Revolution details every aspect of the changes and what the movement aims towards. The Fashion Revolution network is present on all seven continents, regrouping both volunteers, local organizations and employees.


Both an online magazine and a label, SloWeAre is a French initiative showcasing brands committed to a sustainable way of doing positive fashion. The piece "Second hand, serum and venom of a sick industry" depicts the general voice of the magazine: observer, factfull, yet still enthusiast about fashion. In this way, SloWeAre offers articles about fashion facts or fashion history, giving their audience the keys to understand a not-to-transparent industry, avoiding greenwashing and choosing mindfully their purchases.


Born from the shared passion of two French women for sustainable fashion, Reset is both a marketplace to shop eco-conscious goods, mostly fashion, and an online magazine as well. Reinventing our fashion habits, questioning our society and finding new sustainable alternatives is at the very heart of this online platform. The online shop offers an edgy selection of jackets, denim trousers, and shoes, but also period panties and sportswear, as well as tableware and books.

The Circle Fashion Magazine

"Sustainable fashion is a choice, not a privilege". With such a slogan, The Circle Fashion Magazine is dedicated to informing and educating about virtuous fashion. The magazine explains the need to shift from a linear concept to a circular one regarding fashion consumption. It aims to deconstruct "the misconception that sustainable fashion is either a mundane or a privilege. [...] It is exactly like non-ethical fashion but with one main difference: it is the future". We couldn't agree more!

Clear Fashion App

Although the Clear Fashion App obviously isn't a magazine, it is part of the innovative actions taken towards sustainable fashion. What happens beyond the label? From this question, Rym and Marguerite, the 2 co-founders, investigated and questioned both consumers and brands. "The goal was to get a clear understanding of the expectations and barriers of consumers, who like us, want to buy responsibly.". The brands and products are evaluated independently based on 4 types of criterias: humans, environment, health and toxicity, and animals.

We're delighted to have shared with you part of our informational sources. While this list isn't exhaustive, we'd gladly receive any suggestions or questions you may have regarding media on sustainable fashion. If you feel like you'd like to share a new media with us or any reflections you may have, please feel free to email us at or DM us on Instagram @terancondeparis

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